Wednesday, 19 November 2008


Most of you don't know what that word means. It's Galician and has no direct translation. It's a kind of pain in your soul when you are out of your homeland 'sic'

I don't feel it, but I feel quite weird when today I was in the Gym (doing nothing, cause I was f**ing tired :P) and in TV, they show the Illas Cíes. Those are a group of islands in front of my homwtown. There was a TV show called 'Backpackers' on [v] channel, (an Australian copy of MTV). Those guys where moving around Europe in a caravan, and they were in Spain for a while. After Spain, they were in Porto, where they found two german girls. Those girls told them about the paradise, 3 little island in front of the Galician coast...that it was the Cies Islands.

They spent one day, complete lost in Vigo (city where you take the Boat to go to the Islands), in Mercado de la Piedra, getting lost with Vitrasas, and all the typical things that you can do in Vigo, they went to the island. And they stayed in the paradise for two days, making me remind my homeland....

After the bucolic scene, I realized that know it's raining 3 times more than here, and there is no way to go to the beach :P... and I felt happy to be in Australia.

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