Tuesday 4 November 2008

Melbourne Cup

Today was Melbourne Cup, a horse race that literally stops the country. But you don't know how much. I have no so much photos as my camera has no more battery, but I'll try to explain you what happen today in Australia.

Melbourne Cup is the most famous horse race in Australia, the first edition was 1861, and in the Flemington Racecourse in Melbourne. The race is 3200 metres, and it's for horses over than 3 years, it's always the first thursday of November. It's very important to say that the race is in Melbourne, Victoria, and all the photos were taken in Brisbane,Queensland, where I live. (The distance is about 1500 km between both cities)

This is Queens St, the most comercial street in Brisbane, like la Rambla in Barcelona, Preciados in Madrid, Principe in Vigo, or every Ermou St in every greek city. This photo was taken around 8:00 am in the morning, when I was passing to go to the beach (no gym today :P). This betting place was installed only for this race, and it was the only thing crowded in Brisbane at that time (most of shops opens at 9:00am)

Queen St at 8:00 in the morning....

This next photo was on a typical place for lunch on the working days, that it uses to serve some sandwiches and these things for quick lunch. Today was like for a weeding with a lot of people wearing suit, and with every woman with every kind of hat, pamela or a thing that could be sticked on the head, lunching with Champaign and seafood, all luxury

This is not a weeding, it's people waiting for seeing the race on TV

Let's go to the important thing: the race, it took around 3 minutes and it was quite exciting. To show you how much, you only have to see the photo finish....

Photo taken from online edition of Daily Telegraph, from Getty Images

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